I met this person during a business transaction set up by a mutual friend. He confessed he did not remember me. We did that thing where you talk about people you knew way back, when you could still dance for about six hours without getting short of breath, and what they were up to now. I had to admit I did not know or sometimes recall most of the people he mentioned, since I'd moved away from the town where he still lives, and anyway, I'm one of those people other people generally do not remember. I wasn't any more popular then. I'm okay with that.
Midway through the reminiscing, he said, "You know, my wife could help you with that hair. She works out of our house, she's pretty good."
We finished our transaction, talked a bit more, and he left.
Now, I do not know why this comment from someone I had not seen in decades -- barely knew then except to sing out the chorus of a ZZ Top song with on occasional Saturday nights among other inebriated people -- bothers me so much. I've got a niece who teases me about my hair going gray, which never bothers me. My mother occasionally comments upon it. Doesn't bother me.
But here's the deal: I am fifty-(mumble mumble). I took a good, newly self-conscious look the other day at my hair -- you see what this virtual stranger has done by invading my psychological space?
damn it |
The last time I actually dyed my hair, somewhere near its original color, the people I worked with did not comment. You know what it means when there's no comment. It's generally not good. Honestly it looked like someone had dropped a mink on my head. I have never been remotely beautiful, but now I am not remotely beautiful and fifty-(mumble mumble). Dyed hair just doesn't work for my face.
Of course, I also never have the response I need when someone says something that rattles me, or I don't realize how much it rattles me until they're no longer there to respond to. But here's what I should have said:
I like my partially gray hair. It would be nice to be twenty-something again, to be able to dance and drink and stay up all night, but I am who I am, and my hair is the way my hair is.
I have grown/nearly grown children now. I have been married nearly a quarter of a century to someone who's also 60/40 gray. I love him more now than I did when we were both 100 percent brunettes, even though some of the gray I've developed is due to the experiences -- both good and bad -- we've endured together. I've lost and gained dear friends; worried exponentially through the teen years with our children; survived financial ups and downs, sleep deprivation, natural disasters, conflicts between family members, car crashes, holiday meal traumas, travel snafus, and career changes.

I don't need help fixing something that's not broken.
I don't have the complexion you do that would allow me to "own" the gray and still look lovely. but in your case, you do.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, it's not gray...it's strands of glitter. You and the unicorns, sweetie.
I've had a few strands of gray in the middle of my hair where nobody can see it (except the stylist) since I was 16. I've noticed that I'm getting a few more, and I still have a few years before I get to 30 (not many, but enough that I'm not panicking). I've decided that (for now) I'm going to think of my gray (some white) strands as 'personality' to my hair color. :)
ReplyDeleteWow he has brass ones to say that.You could have told him you could recommend a good proctologist for his condition.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I'm with you, I've earned these stripes of gray, just like you and so many others. Maybe I'll change my mind in a couple of years but for now, they're staying.
You, my dear, have the best attitude and outlook. "My gray hairs are earned." Absolutely. We should all embrace who we are and feel good in our own skin (or hair!) - whether natural or done up - simply because we do, not because of what others say to or expect from us. That's owning it - whatever the 'it' might be - and that confidence, IMO, is sexy as it comes.
ReplyDeleteI won't address the gray-haired man who made the comment - it's not like there's a Clairol number made to cover ignorance. Besides, if he told his wife about what he said to you, as a hairdresser, I'm guessing she set him straight.
ReplyDeleteYou know how well you are loved. In the grand scheme of things, that's really all that matters. I'm one of your biggest fans. And yes, you've, we've all, earned our gray and our smiles and tears. You shouldn't cry over what someone else says - it was probably just a comment made to regale his wife's talents and not some Freudian snub. And if it was (although, as you say, he's not around now to give him a zinging comeback) you can tell him that you know a plastic surgeon who help Mr. Gray Hair's balls - he's really good - works out of the house! Bet you dollars to donuts Mr. Gray Hair's scrotum hairs are gray! Hello Grecian.
I am 48. 13 years ago, I lost one of my eyes to Cancer. I have a REALLY good prosthetic and fool even the people who make my eyes glasses. I wasn't able to have children. I have arthritis, which prohibits the full use of my right arm. However I go to the gym 5 days a week and do yoga. My husband and I have a very nice life with our two dogs. But for some reason I have no gray hair. I should given my age. But I have none. My sister in law (3 years younger and mother of 3) calls me a witch. She's mostly gray. My response (given all the other harsh realities I've had to face): Can I have one thing???
ReplyDeleteBut I would trade a head full of gray hair (that I could dye if I wanted to) for my eye back and for kids.